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Crown Chakra Your Gateway to Higher Consciousness

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Crown Chakra Your Gateway to Higher Consciousness


If you ask why we use chakra crystals, the most obvious answer would be that they help heal our chakras. Chakras are the points in the body through which life force energy, known as orgone energy, chi, or prana, flows. The smooth flow of the life force energy is crucial for the smooth functioning of our body, which requires all to be in balance. It can be achieved by wearing chakra stones or being near them. The Crown Chakra, known as Sahasraara, is the seventh chakra in our physical body. As the name suggests, it is located at the crown of our head, the topmost part of our body. An important chakra, it helps us Crown chakra helps us understand that we are a part of something big that includes and transcends this universe.The Crown chakra helps us connect with all the other living organisms in this universe and stay unified. It helps us realize that everything is connected in this world and no one can stay independent. In short, the Crown chakra opens a state of higher consciousness where you, the universe, and the divine are connected and interlinked. The Crown chakra teaches us that to achieve true harmony, everything in and beyond this universe must stay connected.   

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Annonce No: 631179
Annonce consultée:1299
Annonce expirant: 2024.07.14 (dedans 42 Jours)
Date: 2024.03.16
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